Ten of the Best Opportunities
to make the World a better place

AMDG Worldwide is acutely aware of the need for funding across all aspects of the philanthropic sector. But which projects are more impactful than others? Which represent a better use of investor funds and donor largesse? How can a donor with limited time be sure that his or her contribution really does make a difference?

Drawing on a rich seam of experience both personal and professional, AMDG Worldwide can offer a few suggestions. The list below is the tip of the iceberg, but it does represent a third party assessment as to some impactful ways to make that difference. Please note we include here only those where we would put our money where our mouth is. We stake our reputation on the quality of advice we provide, and in our view, this selection really can make a phenomenal difference.

So there you have it ... 10 of the best, 10 exciting and innovative philanthropic dreams, high energy high impact and all desperately seeking someone who is prepared to give it a go.

AMDG worldwide seeks to support all these organisations. So if not you, who? If not now, when? Please get in touch if you can help.


Reference: AMDGW/001 Health & Education
Geography: Kenya, Africa
Scale of Investment: $1.0 - $25.0 Million
Sector Health and Education
The ask: Africa has less than 5% of its population graduating through tertiary education, and for those that do the brain drain represents a real temptation. This turnkey project will establish a university in Nairobi, Kenya for nursing training to a Bachelor’s degree standard. It will go some way towards addressing the shortage of nurses in the country. The many benefits include the opportunity for young people at a crucial stage in their development; and of course the chance for a sea change increase in the quality of care.
Risk profile: Medium
AMDG Worldwide view: We see this as a five star investment opportunity. In terms of the projects we review, this is as good as any. The motivations of the leadership are selfless. The capital investment has been well structured so that on a modular basis construction can start with just $5 million meaning that the benefits flow quickly.


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Reference: AMDGW/002 Housing Microfinance
Geography: Global/International
Scale of Investment: $1.0 - $5.0 Million
Sector Housing Microfinance
The ask: Although Microfinance products have been available for a generation, specialist housing microfinance products are still something of a rarity, even though in practice we know that significant elements of microfinance are channelled into housing, even if that is not the overt designation.

This innovative product will unlock nine times the value of the investment as the parties concerned have other funding which will be released if, and when, core equity funding can be found. The end product of user repayments of less 30 % over 2-3 years is comparatively an excellent option compared to other options available. This scheme works on scale and leverage through a wholesale funding of microfinance institutions. The scheme works with and through key partners and is estimated to impact on over 200,000 families.
Potential return on investment: This is a different kind of ask. Though funds are at risk it does have the potential to provide some sort of return, possibly as much as 5% p.a.


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Reference: AMDGW/003 Water and sanitation
Geography: Global / International
Scale of Investment: Circa $10.0 Million
Sector Water and sanitation, community based health and education
The ask: Without access to clean water, families become diseased and disposable income and education are reduced. Productive time is lost and wasted collecting dirty water and without adequate sanitation, diseases abound. This opportunity of making markets work for the poor would link commercial, statutory and philanthropic agents to deliver the classic triple bottom line investment.

This is a different kind of ask. Though funds are at risk it does have the potential to provide some sort of return, possibly as much as 5% p.a.
Potential return on investment: Financial return: medium – high, but with risk – see below
Social return - enormous!
Business risk: High. This is a new model and investor funds would be at risk. Nonetheless AMDG Worldwide recommends this because of the potential upside and because of a core belief that we can make markets work for the poor.


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Reference: AMDGW/004 Eye Health
Geography: Global / International
Scale of Investment: Circa $1 Million
Sector Eye health
The ask: The return on investment on an intervention to restore sight unnecessarily lost can be more than 30 fold. Because eye disease is not a killer like HIV Aids, TB or malaria, eye care does not always make it onto government health agendas. To do so, requires lobbying at the highest levels of government. So this ask will not suit those who need to ‘see something tangible’ from their investment. It will however, suit those looking for an intervention that might, through policy change, have significant impact on many lives. We accept that the attribution here is less direct.
Potential return on investment: Financial negligible; social – considerable
Business risk: This is a request for capacity to better coordinate the advocacy movement globally. Risks will hinge around the strengths of the individual(s) appointed. There is no financial return available, this would be grant money.

AMDG recommends this because of the potential to leverage a small investment into multiples of change.


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Reference: AMDGW/005 Health
Geography: Africa
Scale of Investment: $1 - $5 Million
Sector Health
The ask: This is an African charity run by Africans for Africans. We like it because it is focused, works bottom up and does exactly what it says it does.
Potential return on investment: Financial and social – considerable

AMDG recommends this because of the potential to leverage a small investment into multiples of change, and because of confidence in the leadership...
Business risk: This is a request for capacity to support a truly impactful African organisation.


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Reference: AMDGW/006 Cultural relations and education
Geography: Global / International
Scale of Investment: Up to $1 Million
Sector Cultural relations; education
The ask: This start up charity seeks to provide an experience to people who may have grown up in a rather privileged way. By volunteering overseas to work in programmes genuinely aimed at improving the lot of local people volunteers gain a new perspective, based upon a humble respect for local needs and a service to others. Equally, the project gains through a number of much needed skills and abilities. The volunteers form a social network community on return and commit to provision of further funds to the project within 12 months of their return.
Potential return on investment: Financial negligible, social – considerable.
Business risk: Low. This is a simple micro-level grant request to make some small scale interventions, each of which we believe will make a difference, a very real difference, to a few lives.
AMDG recommends this because of the potential to leverage a small investment into multiples of change.


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Reference: AMDGW/007 Children
Geography: London, UK
Scale of Investment: Up to $1 Million
Sector Children
The ask: This long-established charity seeks to provide a level of personal and professional care to children who have grown up in a materially under-privileged environment. Most come from broken homes, with a parent suffering from addiction issues, unemployment and social exclusion.
Potential return on investment: Financial negligible, social – considerable.
Business risk: Low. This is a simple micro-level grant request to make some small scale interventions, which we believe will make a very real difference to people’s lives. The starfish principle applies.
AMDG recommends this because of the quality of care offered to children and parents alike.


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Reference: AMDGW/008 Arts and Photography
Geography: London, UK and global
Scale of Investment: Up to $1 Million
Sector Arts / Photography
The ask: This is a wonderfully creative and innovative start up charity celebrating the art of photography. Major world photographers will contribute pieces to themed exhibitions at prestigious venues. Photographs will be sold at auction and proceeds will be directed by the trustees to causes that seek to renew hope of young people by offering them the chance to get involved in photography.
Potential return on investment: Financial negligible, social – considerable.
Business risk: Low. This is a simple idea and has the opportunity to regenerate young lives through a new skill and training. AMDG Worldwide believes this will make a very real difference.

AMDG recommends this because of the passion of the directors and the vibrancy of support offered, indeed already committed, by the photography profession, auction houses and exhibition galleries.


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Reference: AMDGW/009 Homelessness
Geography: London, UK national
Scale of Investment: Up to $1 Million
Sector Homelessness
The ask: This is a fantastic charity looking intelligently into the issues of homelessness. There is a real opportunity to invest in day centres where (usually) men will learn new skills and regain some self – respect.
Potential return on investment: The financial return can be circa 5%. We measured the social rate of return – independently – on this investment opportunity. Independent review came up with 4.93 x the original investment, and that doesn’t even begin to consider the softer side of the returns in terms of dignity and self worth.
Business risk: Low.

AMDG Worldwide recommends this because of the clarity of thought and sharpness of delivery of one of the best management teams in the sector.


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Reference: AMDGW/010 Financial Institutions
Geography: International, Sub Saharan Africa
Scale of Investment: $5 - $20 Million
Sector Financial Institutions
The ask: This is a new business start up. The management team is committed to transforming some of the “missing middle” in smaller financial institutions which provide capital and credit to SME businesses who themselves drive the creation of wealth and employment.
Potential return on investment: The financial return can be up to 20%. But as with all financial service sector start up businesses there is a risk of business failure. We reckon it’s well worth trying.
Business risk: High

AMDG Worldwide recommends this because of the innovative entrepreneurial vision of a truly transformative investment and because it seizes the power of the market place to generate pro poor solutions.


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AMDG Worldwide has a proven track record in change management, and especially the interaction between people, finances and systems....
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We work with charities, other not-for-profit organisations and corporates across a range of disciplines, organisational challenges and global locations.

For example, we can help you to review and improve the efficiency of your back office processes. The results will be significant, measurable and tangible, making you more effective and resulting in clear savings or improved services for same money.

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Our beliefs

  • We believe that “charity” should not mean creating dependency, on either side. We do not support the idea that charity should be patronising. We seek a hand-up, not a hand–out.
  • We believe in a not-for-profit sector that is as professional as any commercial one.
  • We believe that “less is more” where possible, including less government and social support and more self-help. Development solutions should be sustainable and ‘sustainable’ implies not continuing to require subsidy.
  • Integrity is important to us. We aim to have no distance between what you see and who we really are.
  • We are independent. We do not arrive with a preferred software solution or methodology and fit the organisational aim to the solution, but will assess the issues thoroughly and then work with you to find the best fit.
  • We believe in the dignity of each human being in a respectful relationship of equals.

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If you identify issues with staff, management or finances, or you need help with change in your organisation, AMDG can support you. We will work with you on strategy and focus, and we will stay with you to make sure that change really happens, providing you with lasting business solutions.

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